I just love my little Harrison. Somebody recently asked me which stage has been the hardest so far and without thought I answered "Right Now!" It is true, but I am also getting the best from Harrison as well.
He was such an easy baby. Always happy, a good sleeper and a good eater. He walked early and never had any trouble with any stage of development. By lately, he has started to develop that personality. He is now mostly happy still (with the occasional temper tantrum and telling me "nope"), he is struggling with his sleeping, and he is starting to fight me about eating too. All the basics that I thought we had down pat! His sleeping changed when we got rid of the pacifier and he started climbing out of his crib. Now he takes longer to fall asleep at night and he is up almost an hour earlier everyday. At least I can still get him to take a nap (although those have gotten shorter too!). Then the eating. You ask me foods that my child doesn't like, I can only name 1-tomatoes. But whether or not he decides to eat is another story. Junk food, I can always count on him polishing off, but vegetables, fruit, meat or grains-it just depends on the mood. The only thing I can count on him finishing all the time (and he would live on it if we let him) is milk. He loves his "milky"! The temper tantrums drive me crazy too! They are always over something so small and cause such a spectacle. Plus, when I ask him to do something, he usually will calmly tell me "nope" or "no please" and keep doing what he wants. It makes me nuts, but how can you get mad at such a polite little boy! I guess that is the terrible twos! All those basics (*and the recent refusal to potty train) that used to be so easy and have turned so hard made me think, without a doubt, that we are in the hardest phase yet.
But, now for the best of times. My little Harrison is more fun right now, then ever before. He makes me laugh out loud several times a day and always keeps me on my toes. He is able to communicate better now and I understand what he needs and wants like never before. He is constantly repeating what we say or naming everything he sees. There is never a quiet moment at house house anymore. I love to hear him talk and guess what he is trying to say. I love the way his face lights up when we understand him and it is so special to me. Some of my favorites right now are "Oh my gosh". He runs around saying this ALL the time, about everything. It cracks me up every time. "See you later", also love it. Then repeatedly saying "hi Mommy" until I say "hi Harrison" back. Every time he wants my attention he says "Mommy, hold you" and wants me to pick him up. Then whenever it is dark or he wants to start running around, he yells "Monster coming!" and expects us to run and hide. There are so many more too!
He also loves to dance, sing (do actions to songs) and "play guitar". He loves pulling out the guitar hero guitars and "playing" by singing notes. It is so funny. I love his dancing, which is usually swaying back and forth. Then he loves to have you sing to him, songs that he knows actions to. Some favorites are Itsy, Bitsy Spider, I'm a little Tea Pot, Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes, Popcorn Popping, Once there was a Snowman and 3 Little Monkeys. We have a great time singing and dancing around. Harrison also is an artist. He loves to color and loves turning any meal into a painting on the table.
Love this face! His cheesy smile.
Harrison also loves to be active. We get outside whenever we can and he loves to be outside. Cold or hot, the weather does not see to bug him, as long has he can play outside. He loves the backyard, the playground or just walking on the sidewalk and picking things of trees and bushes. He loves to be pushed in the stroller too and we are working on getting him more confident on his little trike.
I just can't get enough of my little two year old. I really love him and everything he does. I do wish he would sleep better and eat better, but I can't complain about the boy he is is becoming. His personality shows more and more each day and I feel so blessed to be his mom. He makes me so proud and I look forward to the next stage (but hopefully not too soon!) and whatever the future brings for this little adventurer! I hope I always look back on this time as a great time in our lives, because how could you not have fun and enjoy every minute with this little guy!!