Saturday, May 14, 2011

The last 2 random weeks

Well, after declaring Mother's Day a holiday, I didn't blog. Then our internet was out this week and then blogger went down this week, so now I have 2 weeks of blogging. Luckily, we haven't been too busy. Last week, we laid pretty low and did our normal stuff. It was pretty nice out all week so we planned a trip to the zoo on Friday and had a good time.
We watched the elephants take their baths (always a favorite). Side note...Harrison is potty trained now but still is not a fan of pooping on the potty. He says it makes him bum hurt (poor boy) and yes we have done everything to help that. I think it is mostly an excuse. But the elephants have poop in their cages and his comment is "the elephants bum hurt and they poop. All better mommy?" So sweet! He loves those elephants.

The African Forest is fun too. We caught it on a not so busy day so Harrison enjoyed the huts (aka caves), the drums and the animals. The chimps put on a nice show for us and taught Harrison how to clap with his feet.
This is my attempt at being in a picture, while holding him up on the giraffe fence and hoping he doesn't slip and fall 10 feet down the other side! But proof that we are there together!
Checking out the lions.
Then mother's day came and went without a single picture (I guess we know who takes all the pictures). I even had Jeff take pictures of me and Harrison and when I went back today to find them, the SD card was not in my camera, so no pictures! Oh-well, it was an awesome day of breakfast in bed, a surprise present (they got me a Kindle!), church, a nap and plenty of time to relax and spend time as a family and even some time to talk to each of our moms. Jeff did all the cooking, cleaning of dishes and even folded all the laundry on Saturday as a Happy Mother's Day Eve. My Mother's day was awesome.
Then this week we decided to take advantage of $1 Tuesdays at the Baseball park. The Reds were in town and it was a slow starting game (The Reds made it 6-0 by the second inning) but then it picked up.
A sucker to get us through the first few innings.
Popcorn to get us through the rest.
This week I also got to see a dear friend of mine achieve her goal of going to the temple. It was a beautiful day and I loved the opportunity to be in the temple last Tuesday with her. We also got to spend some time visiting, since she lives internationally right now.

Then Friday we made another trip to the zoo because Jeff had the morning off work. It was a great time and Harrison got to show Daddy some of his favorite things. It has been a fun couple of weeks and I look forward to the next few as summer comes closer...look out pool, here we come! And no swim diapers. As mentioned potty training has been really good and we even have him in underwear at night. No major accidents in weeks! Yea for big boy underwear!

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