It is really warming up here lately and by warming up I mean the humidity is back! We are trying to make the best of it by spending more time at the pool and finding fun things to do inside as well. We have been to our splashpad just about every day. Last Tuesday our playgroup took a field trip downtown to Discovery Green. Harrison loves all the water fountains to play in. Unfortunately there was a school field trip too so there were tons of kids. Of course, that wasn't going to stop Harrison from getting right in the middle of it all.

Love the little swagger in the walk!

We also went to a friend's birthday party at another splash park and had a good time. I think this was Harrison's first real birthday party for a friend and he loved it (too bad I didn't get any pictures).
We also rediscovered a favorite past time. Harrison loves stickers and while I was trying to find things to keep him busy on the airplane next week, he found his Thomas stickers. We spent a few hours with these (before I took them away so we would have some for the airplane still!)

And this was his "Mommy, take my picture" face.

This week Harrison and I also got much needed haircuts. I got almost 5 inches cut off (my hair was getting too long!) and it is still below my shoulders. Harrison just needed a trim and the way his hair grows in the back, makes it look like a rat tail, so we needed to take care of that. Next time I will take a picture before I cut it off! It is pretty bad, but easy to fix. He spent the rest of the week telling people he got a haircut and a Popsicle. If he sits still for his haircut, he gets a treat, it is a win win!
This week Harrison and I also are going on an adventure. We will be flying the Chicago, spending some time in Wisconsin and visiting some old friends and new babies. I am excited to see family and my little sister who just graduated from High School. It should be a fun two weeks. Until then...
Harrison looks so handsome with his new haircut. It's amazing how fast he's growing up too!
Houston and Jax must be experiencing the same kind of weather because I think summer just hit here too! Phew, it's hot!
HAVE FUN on your excellent Chicago adventure! What a wonderful time to play with your fam!
Love the pic of Harrison's swagger! I want to see a pic of your hair!
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