Harrison has been talking about adventures and going into the woods for quite a while now. First it was too hot, then I was down and out, so Daddy was finally able to take Harrison on his great adventure. Even almost 2 weeks later, he still talks about how fun it was and wants to go back into the woods to find more bugs and collect more things. I'm sad I missed it, but I know he and Daddy had some good boy time! Checking out the life on the dead trees. And catching some. My adventurers. Collecting nature.
We played Thanksgiving pretty low key this year. We were just happy to all be together. Harrison set up all the cars and trucks he owns into his "Car Family". Too bad we couldn't have them for dinner. For dinner Jeff made all sorts of great food. I helped a little but was pretty limited in what I could do. We had a great turkey, homemade rolls and all the fixings. I love having a husband who enjoys cooking! And even on his birthday! Jeff hit the 28 years mark on Thanksgiving so we had presents... and pie! Happy birthday to the most wonderful husband I could have ever dreamed of! Harrison and I both love him so much and appreciate all he does for us. I know our little girl will love her daddy too!
Well, 34 weeks was the goal when they put me on bed rest and here we are. Now I should be able to be up doing more, but it is really hard to have much energy when I have been down for the last 6 weeks. So, I started slow with going out and getting my hair cut. It was much needed and the first time in over 6 weeks my hair got done! Too bad it is super humid and hard to keep my hair straight. And everyone comments on how small I still look, but I don't feel very small! I guess I am all baby though. Harrison and I have been having a "who's tummy is bigger" competition. I think I am beating him now! I'm grateful to have made it this far and hope to make it at least 4 more weeks before this little girl makes her grand entrance. I guess we will see what happens.
Thanks to wonderful Grandmas...bed rest has been doable. Jeff's mom spent a few weeks with us at the beginning of October and my mom came later to help out and stay until I'm off bed rest. (Less then a week!) But my mom got here right in the midst of Harrison's stomach flu. Good thing she came with his birthday present. He was happy to have something fun to do! And his present was as big as him! He got 2 new trucks, a mixer and a dump truck! He loves them both and they are allowed to be inside toys as long as they stay clean!
Grandma Willerth has been making sure Harrison still gets to play and have fun and go to school since I am kind of down and out for a little longer. Grandma and Harrison coloring at pre-school. Harrison has also been getting a lot of play time outside and just been having a lot of fun with Grandma. She even got him Cars 2 on the day it came out. He loves this movie...can you tell!? I guess he set up a store selling pine cones at the park. I'm pretty sure I would be the sucker to buy a pine cone from that cute face! Then last weekend, we got rid of our pumpkins (they rotted) and although Harrison had fun hosing down the step...he did not like that we were just throwing them away. I guess we didn't prep him for that very well. Enjoying snacks at the park.
I don't think I look quite this pathetic all the time, but this is about my life these days. Usually I am sleeping or reading! Harrison has been pretty tired after his long fun days too. A little baseball with Daddy. Some of Harrison's games fell off the washing machine recently when it was spinning and I don't fit back there these days, so Grandma and I convinced Harrison it would be an adventure to climb behind the washer and pull out the stuff that fell back there. He loved it! Another visit to the park. It is cooling off here but we are still enjoying getting out and enjoying the parks. I do a lot of sitting and watching while Grandma gets to do most of the running and chasing! I'm pretty sure Harrison is having a great time with Grandma here and I know it has made my life easier. Sometimes it is pretty funny though to hear Harrison tell me to go sit down and rest...I guess I need to be a better listener.
Halloween started for us on Friday night with a Trunk or Treat done by our ward. It was a lot of fun and Harrison loved getting on his Lion costume and practicing his roar. He came home with a lot of candy too! After a combination of candy, staying up late and who knows what else, Harrison woke up with the stomach flu on Saturday. We were going to try and get to a friend's annual Halloween party that night, but figured we would keep to ourselves until the vomiting stopped. We were just glad Harrison handled it well and neither Jeff or I got it! Thank goodness! By Sunday, Harrison was doing better so we got to decorate our pumpkins. I know it seems last minute, but if you carve pumpkins too early in TX (like 3 days before Halloween) they are rotten before your trick or treaters ever see them. So, Sunday night we painted and carved. Our finished product. Jeff was told by Harrison to make his scary and mine was supposed to look happy. Then we decorated sugar cookies. It was a good thing Grandma got there to document all these fun things for us. I haven't been to great about pictures lately. Then on Monday we got ready for trick or treating in our neighborhood. We tried to switch up the lion costume for a race car. He loved the race car, but couldn't keep it up for long, so we stuck with the lion. Grandma took him around the street trick or treating while my "bed rest" kept me at home passing out candy. Grandma said he was much more interested in the decorations at everyone's house then the candy. He also did a good job of saying trick or treat at each house, but instead of Thank You, he would roar. Good thing people found it cute and not rude! Nice attempt at a costume for me too right? I had bigger plans, but managed to let everyone know there is a little girl in there. I really love Halloween and this year was kind of a bum for me! I couldn't take Harrison trick or treating or do most of my favorite things. But I have an amazing mom who made it happen and an amazing husband. Holiday traditions are not always Jeff's thing, but he made sure we had pumpkins to carve, candy to pass out and cookies to decorate. My husband is amazing!