18 months is such a fun age. I can't believe Raegan is already there and other days, I wish she would be more grown up (but that is just because I am getting more and more scared to have her only be 20 months older then this next baby!) We are enjoying our little diva though. She has a lot of spunk and personality and we love her for it.
She talks some-words include hi, nigh-night, bubble (bubba), mama, dada, woof-woof (dog). Everything else is some form of A-da, used in different tones to mean different things. She does really well with sign and we have almost stopped teaching her new signs because she will just sign and not even try to say the words. But the signs she has are more, all done, eat, bird, airplane, bath, milk, water and I'm sure I'm leaving off one or two more!
She loves to play with other kids and especially her big brother. She loves her dolls, legos, trains and trying to color. Her favorite thing is probably books. She loves to look at books and be read too, but often doesn't sit still for a whole book.
She is a good eater. Not a big fan of meat, but loves milk, yogurt, cheese, all fruits, some veges, black beans, tortillas, noodles, peanut butter, cereal, oatmeal, eggs, water, milk and just about any snack cracker.
She is walking, running and enjoying trying things her big brother likes. She will climb up stairs, swing, try to ride the tricycle, but is still scared to go down slides without a hand to hold on to. She is an active little girl and loves to be outside.
Raegan is a good little sleeper too. She has recently pushed her bed time back from 6:30 to between 7-7:30pm and is still waking up about 7:30-8 most mornings. She has nights here and there where she wakes up crying but all we have to do is go in and lay her back down and she is usually right back asleep as long as she isn't sick with something. She also takes about a 2 hour nap each afternoon.
Raegan is a momma's girl though. That is probably the hardest thing for me. She started nursery (her first day is the picture below) and although the first day went well, we have not done well since. She screams for me pretty much the whole time. Guess I will be spending my Sundays in nursery helping her adjust until this new baby comes! She is getting better with being at people's homes playing and doesn't mind being left with daddy anymore (thank goodness for that!) so I know we are making progress! She will get there though and I just hope with the new baby coming, I don't go crazy!
We love this little girl so much and the joy she brings to our family is amazing. We love our sweet baby Rae!
7 months ago
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