Not to be overshadowed too much by Christmas, this little lady hit the 4 month mark in her short but wonderful life. She went to the Dr. just days before and is growing well. She is just shy of 16 lbs and 25 in. with a head in the 90th percentile! She is still a very chill baby, but is exploring with her voice. She loves to yell out and make lots of noise, so keeping her quiet can be interesting. She is still a great sleeper and eater and won't take a bottle much or a pacifier. She still loves to smile, is getting better at tummy time and loves to sit up in the exersaucer and for a little while in the Bumbo. Really not much has changed in the last month. We are still in love with this little girl and love watching her grow. I will say, she has red cheeks in the pictures because we have learned that when she is tired, she gets these red cheeks. It's pretty cute. But what isn't cute about this little one?
8 months ago
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