I have been trying to post at least once a week just to keep people updated and the last little while has not been too exciting. Harrison has really started talking a lot but every time I take out the video camera he is distracted. So, here are just some pictures of things that we do some days...
Harrison loves pushing his mower around and loves chasing us and being chased as well. Daddy loves to try and get Harrison and Harrison loves to tease before he goes running away.

I have been watching a little boy who is about 3 months younger then Harrison just a few days a week for a few weeks. He and Harrison have become good friends and although they aren't playing together here, they do enjoy playing together. Harrison is much faster then this little boy and loves to tease him and run away.

Getting into my bags all the time...here he is with the diaper bag out and the diapers on his head!

After taking some pictures for Valentine's Day this was the face that I got. I thought it was pretty funny and Jeff said he looks like a Cochran boy (his cousins) and I had to agree.

Whenever we are outside playing, he hears and airplane and stops everything to find it. He is a great airplane spotter...better then me most days!

While I was getting ready one morning, it got really quiet and when Harrison is in our room or bathroom and it is quiet there is trouble. So, I went and peeked in the closet and found him in there with the toothpaste. What a stinker!

Relaxing and playing a game. He loves anything that beeps or makes noise and Catch Phrase was the thing of the day.

Playing in his new box. He gets this from his mom (I always was turning boxes into houses and forts when I was growing up)! We got a new futon and the box is the best thing for him. We will see how long it lasts before we have to throw it away!

Harrison has started laying down on the ground when he wants to focus...here he is with Daddy's phone and he is trying to be sneaky. Daddy's phone is usually off limits!

Enjoying some of the TX winter and throwing the ball around in the backyard.

Distracted by another airplane. And the outfit is bad I know...TX is rubbing off on us.

This face captures his normal expression. He is always pointing at something that is around and wants us to tell him what it is. We see this face so often but it never gets old.

Looking back at Daddy as we try to get him to come back inside (that is the hardest part of any day)!

Playing in the hammock. Mommy wanted to relax and cuddle but our little guy never stops moving. It is great though and we love our little guy!

So, although it seems that nothing to exciting happens on any given day, we are just enjoying this time together!
Dionne, reading your post was like a blast from the past :) It is so fun all the things little boys do. Talton also went through the airplane stage and would spend hours looking for them in the sky. And you can totally forget buying expensive toys, just get them a cardboard box and they're so happy! Glad you are having so much fun :)
I LOVED all of these pictures and this post!! Your pictures really capture his sweet little personality!! I love the one where he is looking straight up at an airplane! And you cracked me up when you said that the Texas fashion is rubbing off on you!! LOL! We can't wait to see y'all in April!
So fun to see his personality. It's the little things from an ordinary day that makes it so special...good for you in documenting it. It would be fun to get Callie and Harrison together, and see the mischief they'd cause!
He is adorable Dionne! Looks like he's keeping you on your toes too! I'm so jealous of getting to play outside right now too...we're still battling snow up here! Miss you!
nothing like a good game of football in your underwear.
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