Today my little angel baby turns 18 months old! I can't believe it! It still seems like yesterday that I just had him and we brought him home from the hospital and had no idea what we were doing as parents! Some days I still don't know what I am doing, but I try and Harrison teachs me so much. He is such a smart baby and so easy going! He makes my job easy.
Some 18 month mile stones include:
*Starting nursery (He has done great and I have already left him the whole time with no complaints!)
*Talking - He can say: mom, dad, ball, outside, up, hot, help, more, dog(da)
*Signing - He can sign: ball, help, more, airplane, car, bird, eat, all done, please, bath and milk
*He Performs - He loves to run, dance, jump, spin
*He hugs and kisses! - I call it giving "love"
*He eats all sorts of different foods (and so far, no allergies!)
*He points to and knows his head, eyes, ears, mouth, toes, belly and nose
*He understands and follows 2 and 3 step processes- We can say to him to go and get something and put it somewhere and then come and get something else and usually he can remember everything!
*He loves to be around other people and other children
*He was good at and we are working more on sharing our toys better!
*He sleeps 12-13 hours a night and takes a 2 hour afternoon nap.
*He loves bath time and stays in well past when the water gets cold.
*He waits by the door for daddy when he hears the garage door open at the end of daddy's work day.
*He loves to play with balls. He is really good at throwing and kicking and starting to get much better at catching. He can even hit a golf ball pretty well.
*He walked early (9 months) so now he is running everywhere.
*He loves to be outside and loves to play at the park, in sand, in water, run around or just go on walks and look at the beauty around us.
There is so much more I know I am leaving out so I might come back and edit again. I don't share this to brag, but I want to remember. I can't believe how big he has gotten and I just want to remember everything. He is such a great baby and I feel so blessed to be his mother. Heavenly Father truely loves and trusts me to bless me with such a loving, kind and patient little soul!
I love you my angel baby!
7 months ago
Yea for all those 18month old things!! He's a cutie and that's great about nursery. I checked out a signing time video from the library. Kate liked the kids on screen. Well, during the last week of having it all of a sudden she would say "ba" for Ball during the song. We were like- what!? And she can do ball and hat signs. I never would have guessed that video would rub off on a 9 month old.
I know what you mean! Our "babies" are growing up way too fast!!
I can't believe your baby is 18 months old either! So big! It sounds like you're having fun with him! We miss having you here!
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