Monday, December 12, 2011

Just hanging around

Well, nothing too exciting going on. We are staying close to home in case baby girl shows up. We are ready and waiting so we are finding ways to keep busy.

Puzzles-Jeff and I did most obviously, but Harrison did help and loved putting in the last piece.
Whipped Cream
Shows with our new bean bag chair. Quick story...Harrison has had the glider in his room since we moved here (or since he was born I guess) and he loves it. We don't use it in there and I need it for the baby. Well, there was no moving it out without a replacement so we got him a new chair to replace that spot in his room. Even that took some convincing too, but after about a month, he loved this chair. Now, baby girl can have the glider (or I can have it for me to use for her!).
And a trip to the mail box. Apparently, this little guy has too much TX in his blood. He has been cold with highs in the 50s. What a wimp, but he looks good in a little beanie!
And a 38 week belly shot. Enjoy! I feel like I really exploded in the last 4 weeks, but lets hope it is baby girl that exploded. I know I am close too. Dr. said she will help me get baby here before Christmas so we will see if she comes on her own or with some help!

1 comment:

The Brandt Clan Fam! said...

Dionne, you look great! Congratulations and we are so excited to see your precious little girl!! Harrison is SO BIG and handsome! It's so fun to check out your blog and see your beautiful family. Oh, and come on Harrison... 50 isn't THAT cold, but you sure ARE adorable in your hat and gloves! :) We'll be checking back for pics of little girl! I hope you have a relaxing couple of weeks (or even better, few days!)