Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 1/2! ALREADY!!??

My baby is 2 1/2 today! Where does the time go?! I know I am always saying that, but I still don’t have the answer. We spent some time last night looking at his baby book and he called himself “little Harrison”. Then he pointed to himself and said, this is me. Still trying to figure this one out I guess. Anyway, I don’t even think I can describe all the ways this wonderful angel has been a blessing to me personally, to our family and to Jeff and my’s relationship. I look at our life before and see that place where Harrison just fits right in.

Some of my favorite saying of his are:

“Oh Nut!” for “Oh Nuts” –and I’m not sure where it came from. Jeff and I don’t even say that. “Oh Balonge”-another funny one.

“Love you too Mommy (or Daddy)”-even when he is the first one saying it.

“Hold you Mommy”-when he wants to be held.

The way he talks really high when talking about things that are little.

Hearing him sing his ABCs.

“No Mommy workout”-as if I need to be any less motivated.

“Daddy all wet”- after Jeff comes back from a workout.

He is always getting his p’s and t’s mixed up so for mat he says “map” and a favorite show called Super Why is “Suter Why”

“Hey Mommy!” really loudly and once he has my attention, he finishes whatever he wanted to say normally.

“Daddy food beepin’”

“Library”- he rolls his R’s so it sounds funny when he says it. “Umbrellia”-again rolling his R’s. And "Slippery" -another rolling R word.

His whole prayer at night. He is so cute and most of the time I understand it all.

“Was that?”-Yes, we have started the what’s that phase.

My list goes on and I’m sure I am forgetting a ton because I always find myself saying “That is the funniest thing ever!” about everything he does.

Harrison is growing normal and right on track. A little short, but we can’t be too surprised. He still has his blond hair and blue eyes. He knows his ABC’s (all but 3 letters he recognizes) his numbers from 1 to about 15 (although he sometimes counts them out of order) and he is finally catching on to colors. I was worried, but now he is getting them! He also knows quite a few shapes and even identifies a pentagon and trapizoid.

He loves to be outside playing, blowing bubbles, running, going on walks, collecting things, swinging, sliding, playing in sand, swimming or playing in the water, reading, watching movies or shows, playing Mario or Wii bowling and of course being Mommy’s shadow.

He has some good friends and loves to play trains, cars, any kind of ball, puzzles, tag or hide-and-go-seek. He is really full of energy and wears me out every day. Thank goodness for nap time! We have also started exploring with potty training and every once and a while we will spend a day in "unnawears". He does well when he wants and when he insists on wearing a diaper, I learned my lesson!

I really cannot say enough about my little boy! I'm not even sure I should call him my baby anymore. Most of the time I call him my Bubba! Out of love of course. He makes me laugh and is truly the sunshine of his mom and dad's lives!

Here he is sporting his new "Super Shapes". It is a shape belt from Team Umizoomi, a show he really likes. I think that and his puzzle is how he has learned so many shapes.

Love you Bubba and can't wait for the next 2 1/2 years to be as much (or more) fun!

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