Since about mid-February Harrison has not been in great health. I took him to the Dr. because he was congested, had a runny nose, a horrible cough and at times was pulling on his ears. Well, chalk it all up to allergies. I never had allergies until I was pregnant with Harrison, so I had little sympathy for Jeff's seasonal allergies. Now I have to deal with Harrison's as well! It has not been fun, but we are getting past them.
I don't want to be the mom who overreacts so we have had a few nights with little sleep and a cranky baby when the symptoms are at their worst. Then last week, we woke up with a slightly swollen and goopy (sp?) eye. That was it, I was taking him back to the Dr. Sure enough, all the other symptoms are still allergies, but now he had pink eye. So, we got his medication and went on house arrest. We canceled and turned down plans and stayed home for the next 2 days.
Still smiley even with pink eye.
We built a big train track and raced all our trains and cars.
We watched a lot of TV and stayed in PJs for most of the day.
Then we were done! We didn't want to be trapped and Harrison was sleeping and acting like himself again, so we decided to take our first family camping trip. Pre-Harrison, we camped a lot and enjoyed it. We even did a week long backpacking/canoe trip across the Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Canada. Well, since Harrison was born, I have had a fear of crying all night in a tent (among other fears) so we haven't gone. Well, our ward had a camp out so we thought it would be the perfect time to try. It was close to home and we would have friends (with kids as well) to share the experience with.
Harrison loved everything about camping.
Collecting nature...
Blowing bubbles. Jeff drew quite a crowd of little boys. All the little girls went somewhere else, but the boys played full contact bubble popping.
Exploring new things.
Hiking on trails. He had his arm out in front of him for the first part of our walk and kept saying something that I did not understand.
Then I saw this lovely sign that said "venomous snakes in park" and we stayed close to the trail.
Exploring a huge bridge.
Throwing rocks in the water. We were supposed to go fishing, but TX has not gotten much rain so the creek was really low. Guess we will save fishing for next time and stick to throwing rocks and sticks in the water.
Climbing "mountains".
Enjoying the campfire. Again, not a lot of rain so there was a burn ban while we were there. Our brickettes would have to substitute, but a fire is a fire I guess.
And it was still fun to roast S'mores.
Although, I didn't get any pictures of us that night, Harrison did really well. We finally brought him to bed about 10:30 and he passed out pretty quick. After only a few times of calming him down and then he would sit straight up and say "What's that. I hear something!" It would be kids or crickets. We would tell him and he would lay down. Then repeat a few more times. It went really well though.
The next morning, it was cooler. Harrison helped take down the tent and we enjoyed a nice breakfast and some more rock throwing.
It was a lot of fun and we are already trying to plan another camping trip in the next month. Hopefully we have good weather again and that we will have just as much fun as this trip!
6 months ago
I'm so glad your first camping trip went well! I wish you were closer so we could go together (although it'll be a few months before I'm ready for camping I think!) We really miss you guys! We need to catch up soon - I have no idea whats going on in your life except from your blog! Take care! Love ya!
That sounds like so much fun! And it made me wish we had been there to go with you guys. And Harrison looks so adorable!
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