Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4 years

4 years goes by really quickly!  I can't believe my little Harrison is 4 now.  He is one smart cookie and has a personality all his own.  He is not shy and lets everyone know exactly what he is thinking.  His favorite things are race cars, anything having to do with the Cars movies, Thomas trains, trucks, tools, and watching shows.  His favorites right now are Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Curious George and Chuck the Dump Truck.  Really, though if I leave the TV on a kids channel (PBS and Disney especially), he will watch until I make him turn it off.  He also loves books and wants us to read to him all the time.  He loves to be outside having adventures, playing at the park, riding his bike and playing soccer and frisbee golf.  His favorite things to eat are fruits, vegetables, chicken, hot dogs, PB&J sandwiches, cereal, poptarts and treats.  Pretty much, I can get him to try just about anything.  He can write his own name, knows shapes, colors and most of the letters of the alphabet with their sounds.  He loves his preschool and sings along with his teachers.  He is getting better at cutting.  Really, I have so much good to say about our awesome boy!  He is adored by all who know him, especially his little sister!
We love you H-Dawg!
These are just a few pictures from his big day!  Birthday party pictures to follow!
Breakfast in bed...a new family tradition.

His sister enjoying present time.

And boy did this boy get some presents!

From mom and dad he got a bike so we wrapped up the pads and helmet and then took him outside to see the bike.  He is picking up riding pretty quickly!
Then we ended the day with a cake, compliments of Grandma.  He was pretty lucky to have his Grandma in for the special day!

Harrison was so happy to turn 4.  Almost all his friends are already 4, so now he can join the 4 club!

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