Well, October started off pretty low key, but quickly picked up with Harrison's birthday and soon to be Halloween (I am making separate posts for all the big events) but here are some pictures of some randomness from October. Most of these pictures come from my mom's camera. She was here to help me with Harrison's birthday party and see the grand kids.
Why do they always want to play in the kitchen right under my feet?!
Harrison playing goalie at his soccer game.
We put a new roof on the shed, so Harrison and his friends enjoyed playing on the old roof. When I told them they could climb on it and play on it, they looked at me like I was amazing. Gotta love when you can make a kid's day!
Eating lunch while watching Daddy work in the backyard.
It kind of got cold for a few minutes at the beginning of October and Harrison went a little overboard on the getting warm idea.
When my mom came, we made several trips to the park. My kids love the park. Well, Harrison does and it is growing on Raegan. She enjoys the walk to the park and her time in the swings.
And Harrison has been getting some much needed practice on his bike. He still falls sometimes, but he isn't discouraged by it and loves when we can go out and ride.
A quick trip tot the mall park.
Enjoying his custard cone. His treat for being so brave and getting all his 4 year old shots.
Miss Raegan.
Proof that he gets to use the iphone. Sometimes, a little too much.
Bath time. It is a favorite for her and if I had the patience to be in the bathroom all day, she would play in the bathtub all day. The minute she hears the water, she is crawling crazy fast to the bathroom.
We even got to enjoy preschool when grandma was here.
This is how Raegan spends preschool time. At least part of it. The other part is spent crawling around and trying to get into everything!
On this day, Harrison's class sang happy birthday to him. He loved the attention.
And he loves preschool!
He also really enjoys soccer. He is getting better and if only we could get him to be a little more competitive, he would be great. At least he gets the idea of the game and enjoys going each week.
Raegan loves to cheer on her brother.
Me and my babies.
Raegan just being Raegan. These 3 pictures that my mom took pretty much sum her up.
A little sass...
Sucking her thumb while sitting up and watching what is going on...
On the move trying to get into things...
It was a great start to the month and so fun having my mom come for a week to play!
8 months ago
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