Harrison has been such a blessing in our lives. He has really become a little toddler over the last little while. He loves to talk! Half the time, we are not quite sure what he is saying, but it means something to him. He also loves to parrot whatever we are saying.
He isn't quite a picky eater, but he does decide when he wants to eat. Some days he will eat big meals and other days I can't get anything in him besides milk and some crackers. His favorites are mac and cheese, hot dogs, sausage, berries, bananas, apples, broccoli, peas, carrots, any kind of cracker (fishies, graham) cereal, dried cranberries and raisens, pasta with red sauce, peanut butter and any kind of treat we will give him!
He continues to be a good sleeper still going about 12 hours a night with a 2-3 hour nap every day. Some of that shortened as we just got him off the DeeDee (pacifier), but we are getting back to normal now.
Harrison loves to watch TV. His favorite shows are Sesame Street, Dora, Diego and Team Umizoomi. He will watch just about any cartoon though. He also loves to watch Toy Story, Cars and Madagascar and will sometimes sit through the whole movie in one sitting if we let him.
He loves to play! We spent our summer at the pool and he became a fearless little fish. He also loves the park and will sit on the swings and go down the slides over and over again. He also loves to play in the sand and now likes to have his shoes off in the sand. He loves his trucks and stuffed animals. He will often line up all his cars. He loves to make all the noises of his different animals and knows several animals. He loves puzzles and Duplos are probably his go to toy.
He still loves to look at books and be read to whenever we can. We go to the library at least once a week for their story and singing time. He loves to have music on at home and dance around (which means jumping and throwing his body around).
Harrison is growing and learning so much every day. I can't believe how far we have come in two years! Hopefully the next two years will be just as fun.
I am so grateful for my angel baby and the joy he brings to my life every day! I feel so blessed to be his mother and help and teach him everyday. Love you baby!
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